Terms & Conditions

Info Tech, Inc., (Infotech, Us, We, Our) provides this software download site to You as an authorized user (You, Your). Infotech provides this site according to the following terms and conditions:

You agree to the following:

  1. to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, or conventions, including, but not limited to, those related to child pornography, obscenity, copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, other intellectual property rights, data privacy, international communications, import / export of data and tax laws and regulations.
  2. to provide Us with requested identification when requesting password reset or in connection with security matters.
  3. to comply with the terms of the applicable end user license agreement in all software downloaded from this site.
  4. to obtain all required permissions when downloading, distributing, or executing programs protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright and patent laws.